Meet Your Instructor

Harry Legg

Harry Legg

Harry studies Tai Chi and Internal Arts under Master Richard Clear and is the NY/NJ Clear Tai Chi Regional Organizer. Harry holds certifications from Master Clear in Tai Chi, Qigong, Push Hands, Fa Kung Healing, and Self Defense. Harry has been honored to train with one of Master Clear’s primary teachers, Willem de Thouars aka “Uncle Bill.” Harry has also received Instructor Certification from The American Tai Chi And Qigong Association and holds a black belt ranking in the Body Mind Studios training system, which includes training in Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Bagua Zhang, Ship Pal Gye, Kong Su Do, Akido/Hapkido, Udo, Kom Do and more. Harry’s awards include 1st Place for Tai Chi form in the 2018 KToC Nationals Tournament.

About Harry's Sifu, Richard Clear:

Master Richard Clear is Sigung third generation lineage holder from Lee Ying Arng who was a senior student under Yang Chen Fu. Master Clear has studied directly with such famous masters as Ma Yueh Liang, Wen Mei Yu, Dr Fred Wu, Liu Ji Fa, Ju Bong Yi, Pei Xi Rong, Willem De Thouars, and Don Ethan Miller among others. Master Clear Began teaching in 1985 and has over 50 years of continuous study in Tai Chi (Taiji), Qigong (Chi Kung) & Internal Martial Arts, along with some other external styles. He has produced his own videos and books to help people learn in-person as well as online. Click Here for more about the Clear Tai Chi system.

Paul Shansky

Paul Shansky

Associate Instructor
Paul Shansky, Associate Instructor for New Jersey Tai Chi, has been certified by Master Clear in Tai Chi, Push Hands, Fa Kung Healing and Qigong. Paul has a long history of training in numerous martial disciplines. Paul began with the external hard style of Ishinryu Karate and has transitioned to internal martial arts for both health and martial applications.

Jeri Beaumont

Jeri Beaumont

Associate Instructor
Jeri Beaumont is a former professional dancer with an extensive background in many forms of dance. Jeri started her career working as a classical dancer in the Radio City Music Hall’s “Ballet Corps”. She later appeared on Broadway and performed in Night Clubs. Jeri also performed at the famous New Jersey Meadowbrook Dinner Theatre. While teaching ballet at Montclair State University, Jeri discovered her interest in Nutrition and went on to to become a Registered Dietitian and thus began her second career, working primarily with the Senior Nutrition Programs in both Union and Bergen Counties. It was during that time that Jeri started her training with Harry Legg of New Jersey Tai Chi, discovering the joy and benefits of Tai Chi and going on to becoming certified as an instructor through New Jersey Tai Chi and Master Richard Clear.

Harry Legg


Paul Shansky

Associate Instructor

Jeri Beaumont

Associate Instructor

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Verona Studio

3 Overhill Rd
Verona, NJ
Phone: 973.559.3132


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